Hungrezi comes as a anagram of the word 'Hunger' and 'Angrezi', which aptly comes to define the beautiful language that our community animals speak when they see their favourite yummy food coming out.
It can be days before which they sometimes get access to a nutritious and hygienic meal. The excitement and love they shower when they do see it, can be the sole justifying cause of what we do.

Your Donation is critical for us to sustain. We can only take in more cases, feed more kids or clear our vet bills if we have your help. Click to know more

You can be our extended family. It takes a village to raise a kid and even more to help the voiceless. Click to know more how you can associate with the Kvaab Family.

Make the world a bit better, one paw at a time. Nothing can better justify the human existence than the idea of helping to co-exist.
Kvaab welfare foundation is a last mile oragnisation which believes in personnal attention to every paw. All our endeavours are oriented in making more visible differences on ground level.

80,000 +
meals served on the streets
and counting
200 +
Animals safely Sterilised
and reunited with their packs
Animals Rescued and Rehabilitated across the globe